If you would like to share your bowhunting experience with our bowhunting community, please contact our MBA Web Publishing Editor (Joe R. Bumgardner, M.D.) and send your story and pictures of your harvested game. Please include the following information if possible.
Information requested on your harvested animal/animals for MBA Web Site Publishing.
1. Full Name of the Bowhunter.
2. Hometown of the Bowhunter.
3. Date of harvest.
4. Animal Harvested (Whitetail, mule deer, elk, turkey, etc.)
5. Location of the harvest (State, City, County etc.)
6. Morning or evening hunt.
7. Shot distance.
8. Distance animal traveled.
9. Number of points (if applicable).
10. Interior Spread of Antlers (if applicable).
11. Animal age and weight (live or dressed weight) if known.
12. Shot placement. (heart, double lung, etc).
13. Estimated P&Y Green score (if available).
14. Equipment used. (Bow brand and model, arrow shaft, broadhead, sights etc.)
Joe R. Bumgardner, M.D.
MBA Web Site Publishing Editor
8 Countryside Road
Starkville, MS 39759